What Are Behavioral Addictions?

Discover the signs, causes, and treatment options for behavioral addictions, also known as process addictions. Learn how compulsive behaviors like gambling addiction, shopping addiction, video game addiction, social media addiction, and sex and pornography addiction impact mental health and daily life. Explore the connection between behavioral addictions and substance use disorders (SUDs), as well as co-occurring conditions like ADHD. Find out how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), mindfulness techniques, support groups, and medication can help break addictive cycles. If you or a loved one is struggling with compulsive behaviors, discover effective addiction recovery strategies and professional support options today.

Hyper-Independence as a Trauma Response: Learning to Ask for Help

Hyper-independence can be a trauma response that makes asking for help feel impossible. Learn how past experiences shape excessive self-reliance and discover steps to embrace healthy interdependence without losing your autonomy. Therapy can help—you're not alone in this journey.

Cultural Considerations in Counseling: Why They Matter and How Therapists Can Be More Inclusive

I believe therapy should honor your unique cultural background. By considering factors like race, ethnicity, gender, and beliefs, we create a space where you feel truly seen and understood. Culturally responsive counseling helps break down biases, build trust, and foster meaningful healing

Am I Addicted?

Addiction isn’t always black and white—it exists on a spectrum, and understanding where you or a loved one might fall on that continuum can be challenging. Especially in New Orleans, where over-imbibing is a well-advertised component of local culture and celebrations.

What to Expect During a Free 20-Minute Therapy Consultation Call (Hint: It’s Not a Full Therapy Session)

So, you’re considering therapy—congrats! You’re about to embark on a journey of self-discovery and emotional growth. But before you start unpacking all that, there’s something standing between you and your new therapist: the free consultation call.

Navigating Early Recovery During Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Mardi Gras in New Orleans is renowned for its vibrant parades, lively music, and festive atmosphere. However, for individuals in early recovery from addiction, this season can present unique challenges. Understanding these obstacles and implementing effective strategies can help you maintain sobriety while still enjoying the cultural richness of the celebration.

“Getting Curious” about Therapy in Louisiana

When life feels overwhelming—whether due to depression, anxiety, grief, or a season of transition—it’s easy to shut down, to feel stuck in the same cycles. But what if curiosity became the starting point for something different? What if, instead of wrestling with our struggles alone, we followed that tenuous, hopeful little thread toward healing?

What Are the Signs That I May Need to Seek Therapy?

Curiosity is often the quiet whisper that nudges us toward growth. It might start with a simple question: Is this all there is? Or, Why do I feel stuck, overwhelmed, or disconnected? It can be tempting to ignore these whispers and push through the discomfort, but curiosity asks us to lean into those moments and explore what’s beneath them. Therapy can be a path to that exploration—a safe space to uncover the causes of our struggles and begin the healing process.

Break Free from Repetitive Cycles

People often seek out therapy after the unsettling realization that they’re going in circles - in their relationships, with drugs or alcohol, or on a broken record of negative thoughts or compulsive behaviors. Britt uses an integrative therapeutic approach to help you find your way forward, one searching step at a time. Leave sessions with increased insight, greater self-agency, and improved tools to create a life that provides you meaning and satisfaction. Set up a consultation to start the process today.